Well, let's see.
Just like you suggested, this video is really short. I don't based on length, though, so whatever. Just thought that would be a good topic to open up on.
Your drawing abilities are fine, for what you're going for; something like Edd's World, right? You may want to thicken up the outline a bit, but otherwise, it's just fine.
Now, for the actual content of the video. Most of the jokes were corny, and the way they couldn't get the story right was terrible. I'll admit, I laughed at "I have no idea what I'm doing," but you need to work on your humor.
Another thing that was kind of annoying. "Oh my god, what the fridge?" This is Newgrounds, you're more than welcome to curse, and if you can't, the "beep" kind of censor is what most people use. Not really important, but I'm a critic, I'm here to nitpick.
One more thing, which I'm not taking off for. I don't understand the last guy's "Super Power." He can draw really well? He has an exceptional memory? There was no hand holding the pencil, so he's psychic? I just don't get it.
Overall, I'll give you a 7/10. I think this has promise and could improve really well, so I'll round up to a 4/5. Good luck out there.
This has been the opinion of no one. Really.